The girls were so excited when they saw that it was snowing outside that they got themselves (inappropriately) dressed and took off. They were the tiniest snowflakes ever, but it was very exciting.
The girls were so excited. Ella kept saying, "Santa got my list! Santa got my list!" Tessa really got into opening presents. When she opened her big duplo set she screamed "Legos!". Then with all of her other presents she yelled "wow!"
We spent the afternoon at Grandma and Papa's house with several cousins. The girls had a great time. Ella and Jayden always have lots of fun together.
Ella had her Christmas program at school after we got back from Nashville. We didn't get very good pictures, but they did a great job with their song and were all really cute.
Mom and I took the girls to Nashville for a couple days to see the Opryland Hotel. They really enjoyed Ice and the ice slides, but Tessa thought it was too cold.
The girls helped Santa check his list (on his iPad) for their names. Luckily, they were both on the nice list. Ella actually sat on Santa's lap, but she was nervous and forgot what she wanted for Christmas.